The Maternalist Quartet
The Maternalist Quartet Podcast
Fruits Out of Season and the Heavenly Seed

Fruits Out of Season and the Heavenly Seed

The Maternalist Quartet on Radio 786 - 100.4 fm - DECEMBER 2021 - LILLAH

This interview is a rich discussion on the themes of Islamic history, spirituality, and parallels with nature, with a focus on the legacies of Khadijah (Peace be upon her) extended to her daughter Fatimah (Peace be upon her):

"I received a very nice message forwarded to me from a listener. We will be discussing the Hijra later on, but for now, we're going to recap a little bit on the legacy of Khadijah (Peace be upon her), because we're not quite done with her story. In previous discussions, we've often bridged from Asiyah and Maryam (Peace be upon them) through etymology and ancient literacy. Later, we transitioned from Maryam to Khadijah. We also looked at Hajar and Sarah through the lineage of Ishaq and Isma'il (Peace and blessings be upon them all). 

However, between Khadijah and Fatimah, there isn’t as much of a bridge. It's more akin to companion gardening, like cucumbers growing alongside sunflowers; the vine of Fatimah grows with the steady stalk of Khadijah. The stories of Fatimah and her mother significantly overlap for obvious reasons, showing a strong connection between the two.

Since we're on the topic of flowers and plants, let’s explore further into the conception and birth of Fatima based on mutually accepted hadith, in sha Allah. She has been referred to as the 'heavenly seed,' born soon after the revelation when her older brother passed away at a young age. It is widely accepted that during that time, the Prophet (SWS) fasted, broke his fast with fruits like dates and grapes from Jannah, and engaged in consistent worship and du'a. Towards the end of this period, he was commanded to return to his wife. 

This mirrors the Qur'anic story of Maryam (AS); there's a lot of patterns and parallels. She too was engaged in intense, hijab-oriented worship, received fruits out of season (as detailed in Surah Maryam), and a command was given. In Maryam's case, the command was directed at Zakariya regarding his son Yahya, drawing connections between the birth stories of Maryam and Isa (Peace be upon them all).

This reflection on the story of humanity, with its divine elements and sacred narrations, stands distinct from pagan myths which often present fragmented, incoherent narratives akin to a distorted Picasso painting. This narrative consistency and depth is why comic book fans, for instance, often get upset when movie directors fail to stay true to the source material. 

Great storytelling requires a profound level of concentration and pattern recognition, akin to the patterns we find in nature—flowers, seasons, orbits of celestial bodies—all with a symmetrical beauty that attracts us. The more a writer can weave interlocking patterns over a lengthy timeline, the more credible and beautiful the story becomes. This is evident in the way that our sacred texts span generations and millennia, showcasing an unmatched symmetry that only a higher consciousness could orchestrate.

The themes of purification, seclusion, and divinely provided sustenance (fruits) recur in these stories. The Qur'anic narrative, for example, positions Maryam (Peace be upon her) receiving blessed fruit during her seclusion, mirroring the divine sustenance given to other prophets and righteous figures.

These stories also highlight the uniqueness of human creation: just as Allah Created Adam and Hawwa (Peace be upon them) without parents, there are instances in nature (like parthenogenesis) where creatures reproduce without typical fertilisation. Yet, in humanity, the male seed cannot create life without the female, underscoring the essential partnership in procreation. This is symbolised in the incident of the cave where the Prophet Muhammad (SWS) was Commanded 'Iqra' (Read) and then there was the reference to  'Khalaq' (Created), highlighting the connection between creation and the womb (Alaqa - the clinging clot in the womb).

Regarding male fertility, modern science echoes some of the Sunnah practices: fasting, avoiding harmful substances, and consuming nutrient-rich foods like dates and grapes, which are known to support sperm health. This aligns with the historical narrative of the Prophet (SWS) fasting and then breaking his fast with dates and grapes before returning to Khadijah (Peace be upon her).

Fatimah's conception was marked by divine signs, including the report that she spoke to her mother, Khadijah, from the womb, which is similar to stories of Maryam’s son speaking and others. This also reminds and inspires us to speak to our children in utero as we know from the Qur'an that they can hear us in the womb.  We have also come to discover the benefits of speaking to our babies and their cognitive development before they are born.  

The Prophet (SWS) also confirmed that she was a girl, which they knew before her birth.

These divine interactions and miracles are a reminder that our children do not come from us but through us; we are merely the gateway to their existence. This perspective was particularly poignant against the backdrop of pre-Islamic practices of burying daughters alive, which the advent of Islam sought to abolish by honouring the status of daughters and mothers.

Lastly, the intimate bond between Fatimah and Khadijah (Peace be upon them) is further highlighted by their mutual understanding and spiritual connection, underscoring the essential role of women in the continuation of the prophetic legacy. The story of their lives serves not only as a historical account but also as an ongoing source of spiritual guidance and inspiration, reminding us of the divine wisdom in every aspect of creation including ourselves."


We are transitioning from exploring "The Direction of Khadijah AS" to delving into her daughter, Fatima AS, in our new series, "The Element of Fatimah."

Join us every Wednesday at 11 AM on Radio 786, 100.4 FM for The Maternalist Quartet Series.

This week's topic was:

Fruits Out of Season & The Heavenly Seed 🍇

Next week, we will witness young Fatimah AS confronting the challenges of Mecca as she supports her father's monumental mission.

Discover our journey towards Allah SWT with the guidance of the best of women.

#iman #deen #Khadijah #directions #Mecca #ProphetMuhammadﷺ #qibla #legacy #sadaqah #Quran #Hadith #desert #inscriptions #prehistoric #preIslamic #ancient #history #Arabic #Fatima #Islam #HeavenlySeed #AhlulBait

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