The Maternalist Quartet
The Maternalist Quartet Podcast
The Grass & Walls of Mecca

The Grass & Walls of Mecca

The Maternalist Quartet on Radio 786 - 100.4 fm - October 2021 - LILLAH

Have you ever felt like you wasted your time trying to save your marriage, only to feel disappointed when it still didn't work out? Remember, we are rewarded according to our intentions.

Nikaah is often a manifestation of a soul agreement. These unions thrive when there is a deep soul attraction rather than just a fleeting physical one.

Many of us face internal blocks that hinder a healthy marriage. These blocks, rooted in ego, fears, and triggers, misguide us.

Unseen forces, much like those faced by Adam AS, hide behind our physical forms. While his name relates to "human" and "flesh," his wife Hawa's name differs, reflecting natural attractiveness.

Did our mother Hawa use heels and makeup to attract Adam? No. Our resistance to acceptance, unlike Maryam AS who embraced divine gifts, affects our work and love lives.

Consider Khadijah AS: soft, graceful, and accepting of wealth through prayer. She avoided distractions and focused on the ultimate truth: ‘la ilaha illa llah’. Women, like men, have the right to leverage against worldly challenges.

The Industrial Age disrupted traditional gender roles. Today's challenge for women is balancing masculine energy at work with feminine energy at home.

So, ask yourself: What is the spiritual brand of your business? Focus on your intention and self-awareness before engaging with others.

How does this translate into relationships and all aspects of life? Just as we circle the Kaaba, we return to our intentions.

Discover more in 'How She Met Your Prophet SWS' before exploring the geographical landscape of 'Grass and Walls of Mecca'. Tune in now for the full story!

(Correction - I received the incorrect spelling of Hawa's name in ‘21.  I therefore compared it to the root of ‘hiya’ and ‘huwa’ but the theme around it still holds.  

Just note that the ‘ha’ for Hawa isn't the same for ‘hiya’ or ‘huwa’.  

Later I went more in depth regarding the Hebrew/Aramaic side of it so subscribe to stay tuned for that discussion isA)

#SpiritualJourney #Nikaah #SoulAgreement #MarriageWisdom #KhadijahAS #AdamAndHawa #IslamicTeachings #IntentionMatters #BalanceInLife #WomenEmpowerment #FaithAndLife #TuneIn #PodcastEpisode

We talked business, we talked love, and we delved into the inspiring life of our favorite businesswoman and her love interest, our beloved Nabi SWS.

Join us as we continue our journey with...

"The Direction of Khadijah AS"

(The Maternalist Quartet Series)

Discover your path to Allah SWT with the Best of Women. Don't miss an episode—subscribe and listen now!


#IslamicWisdom #SpiritualJourney #Khadijah #Guidance #Mecca #ProphetMuhammad #Qibla

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The Maternalist Quartet
The Maternalist Quartet Podcast
Finding the direction to Allah SWT... Inspired by the best of women. Peace be upon them...
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